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[1.7.6.x] Prestashop 1.7 Maintenance page customizer v1.0.2


[1.7.6.x] Prestashop 1.7 Maintenance page customizer v1.0.2

by Leakbot -
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Prestashop 1.7 Maintenance page customizer v1.0.2
Version: 1.7.6.x :: Demo link:

With Cart banner module, you can display responsive and customizable banner at the top of your shopping cart page.

This responsive module allows you to :
  • Alert your visitors in case of extended delivery times
  • Increase the average basket amount by encouraging your customers to add everything they need before confirming their order
  • Be an actor of an eco-responsible approach in e-commerce by encouraging your customers to group their orders to reduce packaging and deliveries
  • To communicate about an exceptional promotion.

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