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Single parent travel

 626 finlandio

Single parent travel

by finlandio -
Has anyone got first hand experience of travelling abroad as a single parent?
My issue is I’m wanting to take my 2 children abroad. I have a court order for my youngest (so I can take him away without other parents permission) however I don’t have one for my eldest. I can’t gain written permission from eldest son’s father as they haven’t had contact in over 2 years. Both children have valid passports and both have my surname. Would I be restricted from travelling? I’ve read so many conflicting accounts online, I’d just like to know from single parents of their personal experiences. Thanks x
Traveling with two children is not a fairy tale at all. It's hard for any parent, even one with ten years of experience. I know the hard part because I traveled with twins half a year ago by bus. Even though the bus hire munich had high comfort and didn't make me feel carsick at all like I usually do, the kids were restless. I had to calm them all the way and play with them to distract them from crying and screaming. I am insanely uncomfortable when my children scream loudly in public places. I hear you.
Quote Harun_Tref said:
Traveling with two children is not a fairy tale at all. It's hard for any parent, even one with ten years of experience. I know the hard part because I traveled with twins half a year ago by bus. Even though the bus hire munich had high comfort and didn't make me feel carsick at all like I usually do, the kids were restless. I had to calm them all the way and play with them to distract them from crying and screaming. I am insanely uncomfortable when my children scream loudly in public places. I hear you.
Absolutely agree with you. That's a nice point. Good thoughts. I'll try it.

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