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[OpenCart] InstagramShopGallery3.1.1 - Shoppable Instagram Feed for OpenCart


[OpenCart] InstagramShopGallery3.1.1 - Shoppable Instagram Feed for OpenCart

by Leakbot -
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InstagramShopGallery3.1.1 - Shoppable Instagram Feed for OpenCart
Submission type: OpenCart | Demo link:

Select the Instagram hashtag you want to use to display posts and add them to a custom Instagram shoppable feed in your OpenCart site.

Customers will be able to view all the photos from Instagram you choose and will be able to add the products they see to their cart straight from the photos.

Instagram is a huge sales channel for E-Commerce sites as it enables you to skyrocket your engagement with customers. Create contests, promotions, and Instagram marketing campaigns that encourage your customers to share photos using your products and your hashtag.

You can turn posts from customers into Instagram shoppable posts on your OpenCart website with the products displayed directly in the photos customers view in your online store.


You agree that the content you download here is only for testing purpose and shouldn't be used for commercial use or as a final product on a live site.

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