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Mental health and its impact on our quality of life

 662 finlandio

Mental health and its impact on our quality of life

by finlandio -
Quality of life and mood directly depend on how prepared your mental health is. My mental health deteriorated a lot during the pandemic, so I had to look for different articles and blogs to remedy this situation. I succeeded thanks to HelpCare Plus.This source turned out to be one of the most useful and effective of all the ones I had to use.
Quote finlandio said:
Who and what does anyone know about mental health and its impact on our quality of life? Let's talk about it
I have been reading a lot into Eastern religions and their conceptions lately with the goal of integrating the principles into my life. I have found that as so called "Westerners" we have the conception that the ego is something separate from the universe and we are here to fix/dominate it. This view has negative mental health consequences because it causes us to doubt ourselves and feel out of place in the world. The Eastern conception is a little different in that the self is thought of as part of the universe and there is no strict ego to speak of. I have begun to practice these ideas. I think, really, it has put to rest some of the mental struggles I have had, as I deeply identify myself with my life philosophy. I went through a period where I felt adrift and did not have an effective philosophy to guide me, which was not particularly enjoyable and resulted in negative real-world consequences. Therefore, I think, our philosophies contribute greatly to our mental health, more so than most would believe.

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