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[3.8] JCH Optimize Pro 5.4.3 (Joomla Version)


[3.8] JCH Optimize Pro 5.4.3 (Joomla Version)

by Leakbot -
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JCH Optimize Pro 5.4.3 (Joomla Version)
Joomla version: 3.8 :: Demo link:


JCH Optimize provides several front end optimizations for faster download speeds for your Joomla!, WordPress, Magento or Drupal website including minimizing http requests and reducing your web page sizes.


Research has indicated that visitors start leaving your website if they have to wait more than 4 seconds for the page to download. Use JCH Optimize to reduce bounce rate and start making your goal conversions.


Search engine giant, Google has indicated that web site speed affects search engine ranking. This means the faster your websites, the easier it is for your customers to find you. Use JCH Optimize to start ranking higher than your competitors now.

Minimize Http Requests

As a rule of thumb, every ten HTTP requests the browser makes to download your web pages adds another second to your download time. JCH Optimize uses boiler point code to combine your files safely to reduce HTTP requests with minimal occurrences of conflicts.

Reduce Page Size

Reduction of web page size is an integral optimization technique. This means faster download time and reduced bandwidth usage for your hosting account. JCH Optimize reduce page size by minifying and compressing your files and HTML pages.

Enhance User Experience

Your site visitors expect your site to load quickly and research has indicated that users tend to leave the site if the pages takes more than 4 seconds to load. Use JCH Optimize to get your content to your users quicker and retain your web-site visitors.

User Friendly

Combining and configuring CSS and javascript files can be a daunting task. To make this easy, there are six Automatic Settings to configure the plugin in addition to extensive documentation complemented by premium ticket support if you run into any trouble.

You agree that the content you download here is only for testing purpose and shouldn't be used for commercial use or as a final product on a live site.

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